As I sought to write out some thoughts I came across an article by Titus Benton. He said everything and then some in a thoughtful and helpful way. I encourage you to click pause on your reading of this and follow this link:
So, while I was planning on writing something to commemorate what tomorrow means while also asking us (the Church) to ponder what we need to do today... I do not need to write it, because Titus nailed every single one of these on the proverbial head.
May we not just nail these 9.5 theses to our Facebook walls, but the Wittenberg door of our hearts and minds.
With that in mind, I also wanted to give some thoughts on what this 500th year commemorates.
If ever there was a moment where it can be said the modern world was born, and where the future itself was born, surely it was on that church door in the small German city of Wittenberg.
Americans owe a great debt of gratitude to the monk from Germany. The American experiment would never have happened without the ideas that Luther's movement allowed to take root. For that, I am thankful.
And most importantly, if you are a Christian... Catholic or Protestant, Luther without question restored the truth of Justification to the Church and gave the Scriptures back to the people. For that I rejoice.
To an extent, I also mourn, for though I believe fervently that the Reformation was necessary and good, it also opened the door to many schisms within the church. It entrenched many God fearing people against each other, and has caused harm to witness of Christ on earth. I pray for the day when we can be united once again in truth, peace, and love.
I yearn for the heart of Martin Luther at the front end of his ministry, one that sought for reform and redemption with our Mother Church. I pray also to see that unity once again within my lifetime.
May the Protest end, and Reform open up the new door of Reunification.